100% HIPAA Compliant Online Services

The Psychiatry, Integrative & Addiction Medicine Specialist


Mental Health Services

We will be there to listen and guide you on this journey to greater mental health…

Addiction Services

Expertise in outpatient addiction treatment with a specialization for persons dealing…

Integrative Medicine

Yoga, acupuncture, massage therapy and nutritional supplements are key…


We offer phone and video appointments for your health and convenience…

Emergency Cases

Always call 911 in cases of emergencies

Welcome to Straun Health

Dr. Straun and SHAW subscribe to the belief that treatment and service must go beyond the personal and reach neighborhoods and communities in order to make deeper, more impactful change. SHAW’s larger vision is to decrease health care disparities amongst vulnerable populations through education, quality medical care, community involvement and advocacy.

Core Values

  • Trustworthiness
  • Positive relationships
  • Advocacy
  • Community Service
  • Compassion
  • Diversity
  • Respect
  • Integrity

How It Works

Step 1: Screening

* Ideal client: Open-Minded individuals looking for Integrative Solutions for their mental, physical and spiritual needs.
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Our process starts with a brief screening with our Clinical Coordinator who will gather information from you and then discuss your case with our Medical Director and/or Dr. Straun.  Each case is tiered based on complexity, acuity, our speciality, and our real-time capacity to meet your expressed needs.  For example, if several of our current patients are struggling with acute issues we tend to put a temporary pause on new patients so that our existing patients can get the necessary time and attention.  We do this to minimize staff burnout and provide the best care possible at all times.  Based on information provided and whether our approach to holistic mental healthcare is compatible with your expressed needs, you will be contacted within 48 hours of your case review to discuss further and/or set up an initial consultation appointment.
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Step 2: Consultation

* Evaluation by a member of our Medical team who creates an individualized comprehensive treatment plan. 
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The first visit to SHAW is considered a consultation, which is a formal assessment intended to establish a deeper understanding of your life story, symptoms, concerns and the type of treatment plan that is required to meet the agreed upon health and wellness goals identified during the consultation.  At the end of this first appointment your provider  will start the process of creating an individualized comprehensive treatment plan and the steps necessary to achieve your stated goals. It is also an additional opportunity for you to determine if SHAW is a personal good fit for you and our collaborative care model.
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Step 3: Transformation

* Receive tools, hope and support from a TEAM that truly cares about the Individual > Diagnosis.
We are committed to providing you a deeper understanding of “self” in a non-judgmental holistic/integrated space. If there is a mutual decision to move forward, our plan is formalized and the work begins. We will provide the necessary services, objective assessments, team approach and collaboration with your existing providers. If necessary, we also have a large network of providers that we routinely refer our patients to that share our larger vision.
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Step 4: Give Back

* Mental Wealth: Wellness, Empathy, Awareness, Love, Trustworthiness, Healthy Relationships
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We plan to give you our best so you can be your best.  Our only ask is  that you give back what you received to yourself, family, friends, and larger community. We believe that mental health stigma can be eliminated by showing change as opposed to talking about it. We believe that with the enhanced self awareness you receive at SHAW through our multidimensional wellness approach you will have a restorative impact in your relationships with self and others.
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Core Focus


To provide hope, support, and a deeper understanding of self in a non-judgmental holistic/integrated space so that our clients achieve their max potential.


The belief that treatment and service must go beyond the personal and reach neighborhoods and communities in order to make deeper, more impactful change.


Building and restoring healthy relationships utilizing innovative tools.

Meet Our Providers

  • Teo-Carlo Straun M.D.

    Teo-Carlo Straun M.D.

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  • Karla Rodriguez-Perez M.D.

    Karla Rodriguez-Perez M.D.

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  • Courtney Higgins LCSW

    Courtney Higgins LCSW

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